Patrons This ShaderQuest post is brought to you by these awesome Patrons: Not Invader Zim Tiphβ (DN) orels1 raingame Introduction In this part of ShaderQuest, we’ll take a look at how shaders are created and handled in the context of game engines; specifically Unity and UE4. Once again, we won’t be actively diving in shader …
Patrons This ShaderQuest post is brought to you by these awesome Patrons: Not Invader Zim Tiphβ (DN) orels1 Introduction Yeah, this is an introduction to an introduction, what are you gonna do about it? In this part we’ll start talking about the main point of the series: Shaders! We might not see a lot about …
Patrons This ShaderQuest post is brought to you by these awesome Patrons: Not Invader Zim Tiph’ (DN) orels1 Introduction Welcome to the first stop on your ShaderQuest! This small post will focus on providing some valuable context in terms of 3D objects and how their elements can be used when developing shaders. Keep in mind …
Introduction Well hi there, and welcome to the first part of ShaderQuest! This is the first entry of the series, which will go through what this series is all about, as well as some setup information. What is ShaderQuest ShaderQuest is a new series of shader tutorials that focuses on going through specific shader concepts …