This is a new series, compiling the results and breakdowns of everyone who participated in the biweekly tech art challenge of Technically Speaking; the Discord server I’ve set up to talk about anything and everything around gamedev and, more specifically, tech art.
As a suggestion from Simon, we started a chill challenge around tech art, where a theme would get announced at the start of a week and participants will have one week to create something that fits the theme. Then there’s a week in-between where we can present and discuss the results of the challenge. The most important thing about the challenge is that whoever participates should also share as much as they can about their work; be it with a breakdown, by making the source code publicly available or with any way one can think of; the point is to share knowledge!
The theme for the first challenge was given by another Simon, and it was “Retro Shaders”. Below I’ll present the results with links to the breakdowns for each participant, in no particular order.
The results
Simon Lanos:
Amy Stevens:
Link to Amy’s super detailed breakdown:
Link to Cyan’s breakdown:
Link to Joyrok’s breakdown:
Mitch McClellan:
Link to Mitch’s breakdown:
Link to the breakdown: