I’ll be straight with you, this is one of the shader areas for which I’m not really comfortable to make tutorials. We’re treading on grounds of code that I can understand but not completely think to write on my own without a reference. The shader I will be demonstrating in this post is pretty small and simple, …
Still on the subject of displacement, this post is about some different stuff one can do with a displacement image effect. Specifically, the shader I will be demonstrating recreates a wavy displacement effect that changes over time, as you can see in the GIF below: It’s a very simple effect that may or may not …
One of the most popular effects to be used in video games the last years is the effect of chromatic aberration. Chromatic aberration is the effect that can be seen in low-quality camera footage, where on the edges of an object it seems as if the colors have a small offset. Recently it has been …
The concept of this tutorial is really simple. We may not want the image effect to be applied on the whole screen. We may want it in an area of a specific shape. Those are just some simple applications of mask textures in image effects. A mask texture is usually a black and white image used, …
You might (but probably not) have seen my newest game named “Sling Toss” for which you can find information on my projects page. Besides shamelessly promoting my game, I am mentioning it for a simple image effect it features. It’s really nothing special in a technical aspect. But it is something different from the default …
So, I decided to also start this series where I demonstrate and explain a few things about shaders in the Unity game engine in order to keep a documented repository of things I make that I find cool, as well as to actively post more blog posts. At this point I should point out that …
A friend recently introduced me to a simple but fun mobile game named BLUK – mostly because it was quite similar to an unpublished project of mine. As I played for a while, I noticed that it used the visual style of other popular mobile games, that consists mostly of colorful 2D fog, pseudo-3D sprites and …